National Catholic Register

The Catholic University of America’s ‘Visionary’ New Board Chairman Takes the Wheel

‘BIG THINKER.’ Rob Neal, recently elected chairman of the board of trustees at The Catholic University of America, has been described as a visionary with a passion for the university’s mission.

Real estate executive (and recreational race-car driver) Rob Neal shares his plans to cement CUA’s reputation as ‘the Catholic university of the entire land.’

Pope Francis’ Mass in Papua New Guinea: ‘Open Yourselves to the Joy of the Gospel’

Daniel Ibáñez
Pope Francis celebrates Mass at Sir John Guise Stadium in Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea, Sept. 8.

In his homily, the Pope drew on the day’s Gospel reading about Jesus healing a deaf man, to emphasize the importance of overcoming distance from God and others, prompting the faithful to reflect on their own relationships.

Saul Alinsky and Archbishop Sheen Square Off on EWTN

Saul Alinsky (l) speaks on Aug. 2, 1963, and Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen works from his desk on Oct. 23, 1956.

The first episode of this two-part ‘Saints vs. Scoundrels’ airs Sunday, Sept. 8, at 6:30 p.m. Eastern.